Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy Saturday!

Miracles happen every day. They are around us every where. They are in a smile from a friend, A kiss from someone special, The laughter of children, and so many more you just have to look! So enjoy life.

Miracles are all around us. We just have to see them. People take miracles in all different aspects. When I look at the beautiful things that God created, or just wake up in the morning, I see my miracle. God is in Control of everything and he can perform miracles. I try not to take each day for granted because we never know when we will be called home to Jesus. I have always said that I want to find something special about each day. The memories, the love that we have for people around us, or make a difference that particular day. Try to find your "miracle" for the day whatever it may be!

In his name,

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