Sunday, August 1, 2010

Brandy you have always been a dear friend to me, and I know what a powerful prayer warrior you are! As you know I am 11 weeks pregnant and can use all the comfort and prayers and encouraging words! I am scared because of facing this alone and am afraid of facing single parenthood! Thanks for listening Brandy



  1. Oh Amy you know I am always here praying for you. You are not alone in this I promise.

    “In this world you will have trouble, but be brave! I have defeated the world.” -John 16:33

    You have been blessed with a gift and I know there are times where you will feel alone but all you need to do is look up and there is Jesus smiling down on you wanting you to trust him.

  2. Amy, always remember..when you have the Lord in your life you will never face anything alone. What a wonderful mother you will be and know that.. "Every good and perfect gift is from above.." (James 1:17) How special you are to have been given this precious gift.

    -Suzanne Davis
