Friday, September 17, 2010

Quote of the day

"Prayer brings strength, strength brings confidence, confidence brings caring, caring brings love, and love brings relationships built by God above".

Happy Friday to everyone. I hope that you get all you have dreamed of this weekend.

In his name,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Your words

As you walk past a stranger, look in their eyes, try to see their story. We are sometimes so consumed in our own lives that we walk past people all day long and never "see" them. I am sometimes one of those people, but as I found out from my husband, who talks to people all day long, if you just give someone a smile or a hello it could change their whole day. My husband was talking to someone the other day and found out that he was in War War II, well my husband stuck his hand out and shook the older gentlemans hand and said "Thank you for what you did for our freedom". The guy was literally shocked and had tears in his eyes and said "you will never know how much that means to me coming from you". I truly believe that it changed that mans whole day. If we could just reach our hand out and try to help others I believe we could start changing the world person by person. And make that certain person fill like they are worth it, God believes you are worth it. Nothing is ever too much for him. Just trust and believe!

In his name,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Prayers of Comfort

Lifting up the Norton family today as they suffer a really big loss. May God give everyone peace and healing. Praying that each day gets better and you all trust that God has a plan for each and every one of you. It can't be easy losing a son, brother, or friend. But know that God is in control of our lives gets us through each and every hard day. Thank you God already for the things that you have planned for all of our lives.

In his name,

Monday, September 13, 2010

Heavy hearts for the loss of loved ones.

Rainbow's End Memorial

We do not need a special day to bring you to our minds.
The days that we don't think of you are very hard to find.

Each morning when we awake, we know that you are gone,
And nobody knows the heartache as we try to carry on.

Our hearts still ache with sadness and secret tears still flow.
What it meant to lose someone like you no one will ever know.

Our thoughts are clearly with you, your place no one can fill.
In life we loved you dearly — in death we love you still.

There will always be a heartache and sometimes we'll shed a tear,
For there remain precious memories of the days when you were here.

If tears could make a staircase and heartaches make a lane,
We'd walk the path to Heaven and bring you home again.

So we'll let our angels guide us — right to the Rainbow's End —
They'll walk with us throughout our lives until we meet again.

Praying for comfort and peace for those that have lost a loved one this week. I know it is not easy to find peace when you feel so much hurt. But always remember that God is there for you no matter what is at the "end of your Rainbow". Live life to the fullest, because it is so precious and we always need to tell our loved ones that we love them.

I love you all,

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dear God

Thank you for this beautiful day you have given me. I woke up with some things on my mind today Lord and I need to let you have them. I try to be strong for everybody else and sometimes I forget the things that I have to deal with. I will always remember Phillipians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." I know God, that you are in Control. But me being human has let me to think that I can control things myself sometimes and that is clearly not true. And God shows me that. He is the one in charge. He is the power. He is able. I will never forget it God, never!

In your name,

Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Friday Everyone!

Going to take a minute to wish my Husband a Happy Birthday. God blessed me with the most amazing gift when he brought Brent in my life. I prayed for many years for a Christian man who would take care of me, love me, and enjoy life with me, and God hit it right on the nose with Brent. I will never be able to thank him enough for this precious gift. I told Brent today that when I got to Heaven I would go and find God and thank him for one of the greatest blessings he gave me when he brought Brent into my life. Thank you Brent for providing for me, working many hours of work, for encouraging me, and being my strength through the good and the bad. I love you Brent Thomas King!

In his name,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Take a deep breathe....

Whew, life sure can pass us by. My husband and I went on a little mini vacation this past weekend and as I thought of all the memories that we made just over 4 days, I realized if I would have taken just a few minutes on my previous vacations to remember the memories that were made I would enjoy life a little more. I saw something on TV the other day about this guy who said, "live your life for the memories and frame everything that means something to you so that you can walk around your house and see pieces of your life". Make sure that God is number one in those memories, and live each second, mintue, and hour as if they are your last and love unconditionally no matter what.

In his name,